Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How Did I End Up So Lucky?

How did I end up so lucky? I got such an amazing friend and I am never going to let her go. I wish she were my sister because of how great she is. If only I could spend but every moment with her. I love every bit of her. My Emily, my magnificent, Emily.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black and White

Black and white.
It's all I see.
Bad and good.
Sad and happy.
In the middle of my favorite time,
in the middle of the night,
all I see is black.
All I see is
In the middle of the day,
when I cant't see the light,
all I see is black.
All I see is
Yet somehow I know,
when I really dig deep,
that somewhere out there is light.
All I think is
But even then,
I still see black and white.
That's all I see.
Black and white.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Can Tio Alex Be My Best Man?

In a wedding, there is usually a maid of honor and a best man, but I was wondering if you could reffer to someone that you think is the best man ever, and have them be your best man.

Well, the point I'm trying to make is, if it is possible to have a best man, I want mine to be Tio Alex. He is the best man. He is one heck of a tio and definetly knows how to make me laugh. He always hugs me and loves me and teaches me. He just rocks, and I wish I could spend every moment of everyday with him.

My poor tio, even though I love him, it's just so easy to make fun of him. He is just not the type of guy that would do anything to hurt anyone's feelings, so I don't know what makes it so fun to tease him, yet it is. Three of my favorite names that Tia Alice and I have created:

"Wanna-be" guitar player
Drummer gone mad
Alex ? Rodriguez (HAHA!!)

One of my favorite memories with my tio is when we were at Guitar Center, and we were checking out the drums while my dad, and grandpa were looking at the guitars. My uncle being the professional drummer that he is took some sticks and started strumming away. Soon after he had started to play, a guy came in and sat down at another set. He sounded pretty good to me, so I leaned over to my tio and whispered, "He's pretty good, huh?" "Oh yeah, watch this," my tio said obviously getting ready to show me something. My uncle sat up straight in the chair, cleared his throat, and began. I was amazed. The sound that the drums and his hands made just blew me away. He was magnificant. The other guy, who also seemed to like it, slowly turned his head toward my uncle and played something else, just a tad bit better. Next went my uncle, then the guy. Each time the other one played it got better and better. My tio's head was going to fly off. This dude was asking for a match.

My uncle was starting to smile. This kind of stuff is right up my uncle's ally. Take a guess. Guess what happens next. If you guessed that my uncle won, your right. The guy looked Tio Alex after he finished his piece, and got up with a nasty look on his face and stormed out of the room.

If you ask my uncle, he'll deny it, because what happens when he's playing the drums, stays for when he's playing the drums.

So yup, I know. I have the coolest uncle ever, it's official. So Tio Alex,will you be my best man?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I wonder how many sayings I can invent at this very second. Here I go.

Bravery isn't doing the undone, it's being scared and still doing it anyway.
Friends aren't meant to give you the answers, they're there to help you find them.
Giving up on your work means giving up on yourself.
The hard path is the scary path, the easy one is even scarier.
Failure does not come from being wrong, it comes from not doing your best.

I think those were pretty good, huh?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Read an Amazing Book

I read a book in my reading class. It changed how I see things. I learned that people deserve to be equally treated, and that people deserve love from someone. People may be unaware of their dependence on other people that are significant to them, and may lean on them without noticing.

And now, the two most important.

Life goes on. No matter how much you want it to end, it won't. It just goes on and on and on.

Second, I learned, or taught myself, that bravery isn't something weird. It isn't doing something that others haven't. It's being scared, and still doing it anyway.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sara, Pick Up the Jacket.

Sara if you are reading this, I want you to pick up your jacket that is on the floor. This is the last time I am going to tell you before I do something about it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What a Day

What a day...

a magnificent day. A day filled with crying and laughter, pain, and happiness. It was just a good day. I don't think I will ever forget it. Ever.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eighth Grade Dance

I am SO stressed out because my best friend, Lauren is in the eighth grade at my school, and I'm in seventh grade. At our school, traditionally, the seventh grade plans the last dance for the eighth graders, just because that's how it should be. But JEEZE!!! Lauren keeps on reminding me how perfect she wants it to be, and I keep getting more and more stressed out because I don't want to disappoint her. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thanks to My Fans!!

If you regularly read my blog, I just want to thank you. It means a lot that people enjoy reading the things that I have to say. I want to give you all two thumbs up!!

If I'm making it seem like I am some sort of rock-star, I'm not, I'm just thanking you guys.

Monday, September 6, 2010


I'm going to give you guys the definition to word you may not know:

A hispanic girl's fifteenth birthday, celebrated with ceremonies and fromal dances. It is a celebration representing a a young girl becoming a young woman.

I can't wait for mine. It's going to be perfect.

Go Cubbies Go!!

I owe a lot to the man that got me the best Cubs tickets ever. They were front seat tickets right by where the Cubs warm up. I got my very own Cubs ball that day. It's a pretty good story.

We were eating peanuts and watching the game, so far we were at a tie. My friend and I were talking, my dad and his friend were doing the same, when one of the pitching coaches began to come our way. He approached me, rolled Soriano's ball in his hand, turned to me and asked, "It's your birthday, huh?" he glanced at the sign in my hands. "Would you like to keep this ball?" He smiled and waited for me to respond. I was speechless, but managed to cough up a few words. I studdered out, "Uh-hu! Yes please!!!" "Well," he responded. "It's all yours... if you can catch it, ready?" Boy was I nervous!! I nodded and I saw him begin to throw an under-hand ball. I lifted my hands, and within seconds, the ball was in my hands, with all the people around me cheering. "Good job," he said. And with a wink and a smile, he left.

As I look at that ball everyday, I remember that game, the feeling of holding something that comes once in a lifetime. So thanks, John. It really meant the world to me. You too, Abbey. That was the best birthday game ever!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shhh... It's a Secret

I think I have an okay singing voice, so lately I've been thinking, wouldn't it be cool if I became a singer? Might not happen, so shhhhh...

It's a secret.

Friday, September 3, 2010

How Are You Always So Dang Happy???

My Iggy, I don't understand you sometimes. Things get so hard, so heart-breaking, yet you still manage to always say, "I'm just thrilled to BITS!!" I just have to ask you one small question. How are you always so dang happy??? I mean REALLY?

We were at the mall discussing how things have gotten so hard on us and that at least we had our family, and out of the endless blue sky, you said, I'm so happy!! I just...

Sometimes I worry about you.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Budget Cuts

It really bothers me that the government is trying to cut the funding for public schools. Truth be told, I don't know much about all the cuts that are being made, but the little that I do know really makes me want to cry.

The kids understand what is going to happen to them. They know that it is unfair, and that the cuts could mean worse than just losing track and field, but losing the teachers that mean a lot to them. Some of those teachers are our best friends. Some of those teachers deserve the job, not only because they love to teach, but because they have families too.

Everyone in the government repeatedly says that creating jobs now will change the future in a negative way, but that the kids will be smart enough to deal with those issues when they come. But here's the problem:


How is a kid supposed to save the country with all their knowledge when their parents, congressmen, and senators are doing everything they can to prevent that???

I'm sure I'm getting most of this stuff mixed up, but that's my perspective. That's what I see when I watch the news. I see a bunch of messed up grown-ups pretending to know what they're doing. So next time you mighty powerful people try to cheat on us kids, think about what your doing, 'cause your really disappointing us.

It's Great to Be Me

I know I always write about how I wish people could understand how difficult just being me is, but now that I think about it, I guess I am pretty lucky, aren't I?

I think to my self now more than ever how things have really taken a turn for the better. I know that everything happens for a reason, and I guess the challenges being thrown at me are the things that are making me better, stronger. Everything I do is filled with such hard work, and I guess that's why I am who I am. It makes me so brilliant, so great.

I know it sounds like I'm bragging, but I'm not, or at least I don't mean to...

But knowing who you are, inside and out, allows you to know your weaknesses and your strengths.

I just love me. I love me a lot. And I don't ever want to change.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Everyone Has a Dream

I guess everyone has a dream. A dream to become whatever it is they want to become. It's never the wrong time to start fresh, or to say, "I want to become a rock-star!" It is always the right time. It's never okay to push your dreams aside because something else got in the way, because nothing is as simple as a walk throught the park. Effort is needed, and yeah, sometimes it may become difficult. And yup, you may want to give up along the road, but who's to say that a challenge cannot be looked in the face and laughed at? To me, a dream is like a never ending journey. A journey that helps you find who you are, and what it is that lays deep in your soul.

So when you feel that all is failing, that the road has cracked in two, don't ever forget, don't ever give up. Because a dream is not a dream without it's challenges, it's just uh thought. A thought that will soon fall into dust, and be forgotten.

But that's just a guess, just uh thought.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Try Being Me

I wish everyone would try to be me for one day, so that then, just then, everyone would finally
get how ridiculously difficult it is to be me. None of you would last a second. Not even a second.

My Gatas

We named our boat Gata, in Spanish meaning cat. We named our boat this because of our old kitty. Her name was Azucar, in spanish meaning sugar, because of her plain white fur. We shortened it down to Zoo-Zoo. (pronounced soo-soo) I have had my Zoo-Zoo ever since I was born, and she was like an extra set of eyes watching to see if I was okay. I just loved my kitty so much.

My Zoo-Zoo has an amazing background story. We didn't actually buy her, my mom found her. I wasn't even born yet, and my mom was outside taking a walk. She saw the cat and what seemed to be her baby. My mom softly and carefully picked both of them up and took them home. She and my dad began to live a regular life with those cats, just as if nothing had happened, and that the cats had been there all along. They had become a new part of their family. They named the two cats Zoo-Zoo, and Zar. After I was born, we went to the Vet's office, my parents found out Zar had diabetes. We had to adjust his diet to match his illness, and hoped he would be okay.

After the twins were finally born, Zar got very sick, and began acting strange. We immediatly took him to the Vet's, and they anounced that he needed to be put to sleep. Sam, Sara, and I were very happy, until my mom told us exactly what that meant. We were all in the lobby crying. My dad decided to go in with Zar, and say good-bye. Soon after that, he came back out and told us it was time to go. I will never forget my Zar.

Zoo-Zoo stayed alive until she was twenty-two!! She recently passed away, but lived a great life, full of kittens and new cats. When we got our new cat, she had kittens, and Zoo-Zoo disliked being somewhat of a grandmother, and often hid away. We named our new kittens, and their mother. Since that cat was Sara's, she named her. The collar that we bought her said "Safe Cat." Sara was just learning how to read and thought the collar said "Saffey Cat," so her name became Saffey, but we still spell it "Safe."

Out of all the kittens that Safe gave birth to, we only kept one. Lucy Cat, or as we like to call her, Fluffy Cat. Sara named her after me, but it was voted off, Fluffy Cat was perfect. She had the most soft fur there ever could be, and it was super fluffy. The only thing wrong with her was that she loved to attack things. When you went to sleep, you had to cover you whole body, even if you were hot. Then she would come in, and if you moved your foot, or anything else, she would jump on top of it and bite it, sratch it, and even pound it with her head. Luckily, that cat ran away, and hopefully found a new home where attacking peoples' feet was allowed.

Now, we only have our Safe, and all of our memories. But Zoo-Zoo, Zar, all the other kittens, and even our crazy Lucy Cat, will always stay in our hearts.

Monday, July 26, 2010

I ♥ All My Cousins!!

My cousins are so awesome it's not even funny. Plus, I have tons of 'em, so there is tons of awesomeness in my family!! I will go oldest to youngest.

My big cousins rock, or as Sebastian puts it, they dominate. Sebastian and Derek are the two oldest, Sebastian being first, then Derek. Next comes Ramsis. The one thing that all of them share is that I can trust them all very much. They help me with everything and don't complain, no matter how boring the thing is. They always find time to hang out with me. They are the best big cousins anyone could ever ask for.

My younger cousins come next. Under me is Elizabeth, Isabelle and Mejenis. The are growing to be wonderful and beautiful young ladies and men. They are intellegent and easy to talk to. They thing that they all have in common is that they are all relatable. They know exactly how you feel when you tell them something, and immediately adapt to your feelings. They are all amazing.

They three todlers of the family are the most adorable little things ever. We have Gaby, Pookie, and Marie. Those little girls are so gorgeous it is unbelievable. I swear, those babies beat the Gerber baby any day. They are so loving, even though they don't know what that means. They hug you and tell you they love you, they kiss you and run up to you. I remember holding them in my hands when they were born and thinking how lucky I was to have such a perfect family. My baby girls are so lovable, loving, and loved.

We also have Panda, or Baby Andy. He is the super hero expert. He is a huge fan of Spiderman. Panda is a very shy little boy and loves his parents very much. He is loyal and true. He sticks to his family like there is no tomorrow, and loves to teach us things, sometimes about video games, sometimes about super heros. He is a wonderful cousin.

Finally, we have the new babies, Mickey and David. They are the new edition to the family, the first set of twins that were just boys. They are so cute. The thing that they share is that they make us all laugh. They make the funniest faces ever and love to tilt their heads and look at you real hard and real long. They are the reason we have baby toys in our house. With so many little ones running around, each house has their own set of baby supplies at home. We love them so much.

My cousins are the reason I wake up everyday, the reason I try hard. They teach me to perservere, and to do what is right. They are my family, and I will always love them with all my heart.

My Beautiful, My Wonderful

Everything she does is like magic, everything she says sounds like a song. I am lucky to have her with me, in my heart and physically. She is my Sara, my beautiful, my wonderful, Sara.

Living with her is just a non-stop enjoyment. She makes me laugh, she makes me cry, but in the end, I could never live without her. She knows how to make any baby laugh, leaving all mothers' hearts blown away. Sara can make just about anyone want to be her friend, and love all the time that they spend with her. Sara is one heck of a little sis.

My beautiful, my wondeful, oh my Sara, she drives my CRAZY. She loves to make me mad and want to rip my hair out...

buuuuuuut, I do love it when we have time to just talk with one another. She has a way with words. She is also one of my favorite artists, inside and out. She has an amazing talent, both vocal wise, and picture wise. Her talent is so special.

My curley little baby, I love her in every way. She is my beautiful, and my wonderful.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Our Sun

The sun shines so bright,
so elegant,
so soft.
It brings happiness,
to all who know,
how special,
how true,
it really is.
It is a reminder that summer has arrived,
that it is time to enjoy life.
Time to say HOORAY!!
Just think it all through,
The one,
our only.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Crazy Little Bro

My midget... I love him so much. He is so amazing in every way, so patient, so giving, but nerdy at the same time. I know I tease him a lot, but I really do love him. He is my little brother, my Samuelito. I love, love, love him, so, so, so, much.

My sister and I always talk about how annoying it is to have him around, because if we had another sister, we could all just gossip all day long, but I think having Sam around kinda balances things out; We teach him how to get girls, and he teaches us how to fix cars and make motors out of paper clips. Honestly, the motor was pretty cool, I have to admit.

His patients, as we all know, is amazing. Living with three girls and a dad that works a lot is probably a difficult task to complete. I understand that we underestimate it sometimes, but Sam is a pretty relatable guy, considering the facts. One time, we were sitting in the car and I turn to him and start talking about shades of blue nail polish and he turns back and says,"Yeah, I know, I saw that one too, it looked pretty nice," obviously not caring at all. I love that about him. (I guess that's why all the girls in his class "like" him.) Eveyone always wants to be his friend, even the kids in my grade that don't want to be my friend.

He is as giving as the "Giving Tree", and he won't stop. He gives everything, even his arm to punch when I'm mad. The only thing he won't give is a little peace and quiet, but I can live with that. I do have to say that his entertainment skills have grown over the years, because Sara and I do need quite a bit of attention when it comes to being unoccupied. He gives me such joy, everyday from when he wakes up, to when he goes to sleep. His smile is so full, so charming. Just like him. I love him so, so, so much.

If you are reading this, Sam, I just want you to know that I do technically love you, but only 'cause I have to. If it were up to me, I really wouldn't care at all about you...

Just kidding, I meant every word I wrote, because you are my crazy little (punching bag) bro. ;)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

There is a Space

For all the people in the world who are an only child or are the oldest, do you ever feel like there is a space where your older sibbling should be? I do. I guess that space is supposed to be there, but I can't bring myself to want it that way. I have cousins who are temporarily keeping that gap closed, but it probably won't hold forever. I just want that feeling that I hope I give to Sam and Sara, that feeling of relief when I have a secret that I can't tell anyone else, or wanting a hug from someone new. I guess I just need my big sister to tell me everything is going to be okay and that if anything happens, she will always be there for me.

Sometimes I feel like I'm spoiled for wanting and complaining all the time, but hey, can't stop my heart from dreaming, or my mind from thinking... Right??

Anyway, there's a space, that I don't want, an annoying little space that stays like your shadow on a bright, bright day. A space that can't just be temporarily closed. A space that I want fixed.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Unlock Me

I'm locked up,
with nothing but the sky.
I'm all alone,
as I try to hold back my tears.
I need someone,
someone to unlock me.

I know that things have gotten tough,
but I've been holding back.
There is something deep inside.
I need you to unlock me,
just unlock me.

Unlock me,
just unlock me.
Take that key and turn the knob,
without you I'm stuck,
all locked up.
Unlock me, just unlock me.

I know he's out there somewhere,
that perfect someone.
And I need him,
I need him now to unlock me.
Otherwise I'll be stuck inside,
all alone.
Forever alone.
Unlock me,
just unlock me.
Take that key and turn the knob,
without you I'm stuck,
all locked up.
Unlock me, just unlock me.

So I'll wait here,
until you show up,
With that key in your hand.
Just know that I am waiting.
Waiting for you.
Unlock me.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Babies Are Still Babies

You know, I have always been afraid that my brother and sister were growing up too fast, but I have realized that even though they try so hard, they will always be my little midgets.

It occurred to me that Sara wasn't that old when we were downtown, coming back from a concert at Millennium Park. She looked so beautiful, dressed in her crazy little outfit. It was only until she looked out the window and saw a horse that I knew she was still a baby. "Look Mommy!!! It's a horsey!!! I wish I had a horsey!" she yelled. Just then, I knew I had nothing to worry about. I guess I know that eventually my little sister will grow up and be some successful artist, or at least something along those lines, but until then, I have nothing to worry about.

It was different with Sam. He is growing to be a strong young adult, and starting to look like a mini-man, but I found a way through his masquerade. He was working on his chores, and he was obviously doing all of his chores, except for one, the hardest one. When he finally went to my mom to tell her that he had finally finished and was going to watch television, she went to check his work. "So Sam, if I check all of your work, it will all be done? Even the vacuuming?" my mom asked curiously.
WANT TO DO CHORES!! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!" Sam said, as he stomped up and down, and beginning to shed a tear.
"Okay, Sam, why don't you go lie down for a while, and come back when you're ready?" my mom said, running out of patience.
Right then, I knew that Sam had just had a tantrum, just the same as any baby would.

I guess I know that I am a baby too, and with that said, we all are. As we proceed to believe that adults are in power for being so much older, it isn't true. We all are little babies, waiting to be picked up by our mommys.

And as for the adults, you know that you really want to play that video game and defeat the second level, or sing that song when you hear it on the radio. So don't fool yourself, the kids already know.


Monday, June 21, 2010

But Mostly, Thanks to All of You.

I guess right now, I want to thank everyone. Just a huge thank-you, for everything everyone has done for me. You all are truly amazing, and I admire everyone of you.


To my bff for always being there, for my best friends that sit with me at lunch, for my friends that I text just 'cause I have nothing to do. To my buddies that I don't hang out with, but that really are my buddies. To everyone that has been in my class and covered for me when I made a mistake. To everyone who ever wanted to spend time with me. To all my friends that said something that made me laugh when I was pouring my eyes out in sadness. To all the guys that drive me nuts, but that are super fun. To every single kid in my grade that I smiled at, or even said hi to. To everyone that walked with me at recess when my friends weren't outside. To all the kids I might have embaressed. To all the kids in my class that don't speak english, but that were always nice. But mostly, thanks to all of you.


Thanks for teaching me all that I know. Thanks to all the lunch aids for telling me to pick up my banana peel even when it really wasn't mine. Thanks to all my in-class teachers for teaching me that it's okay to make mistakes, because that's how you learn. Thanks to all the teachers that scared me to death on the first day of school. Thanks to everyone of you that tried to teach me something even when I really didn't want to learn it. Thanks to all the teachers that gave me a hug when I was crying. Thanks to all the teachers in the office that called my mom a million times to send me home in fourth grade when I was sick. Thanks to my principal for feeding me when I was stuck in the school until ten o'clock at night waiting for my parents to get out of a meeting. But mostly, thanks to all of you.

Family Friends:

Thanks for being more than just friends, but big brothers, beacause you know that I don't have one. Thanks for missing a date so you can come to one of my boring parties. Thanks for giving my advice even when it's something small. Thanks for being so comforting, so loyal. Thanks for being more than just adults, but family. Thanks for laughing at my pointless jokes. Thanks for holding me when I was a baby. Thanks for giving me all and more attention that I needed. Thanks for sitting at the kids table even though you could sit and drink milk at the adult table. Thanks for covering for me when I sneaked candy on Christmas. Thanks for letting us visit your farm when we were little. Thanks for telling me to go get you a beer just because you wanted one. Thanks for drinking the coffee I made even when I messed up really bad. But mostly, thanks to all of you.

All the Twins in My Family:

Thanks for being the best cousies, brothers, and sisters. You really make our family special... Yes, I do mean in a bad way.(Just kidding!) Thanks for going on the scary rides even when you don't really want to. Thanks for asking me for advice, and for listening to it, even when you knew I was wrong. Thanks to my twins for giving me the remote because I told you to. Thanks for wishing me the best of luck before I perform on stage. Thanks for watching me play my saxophone after I watch you play recorder or clarinet. Thanks for pretending that I am cool, even though I'm not. Thanks for being the cutiest of all pies. Thanks for letting me hold you to make it seem like I am really older than I am. But mostly, thanks to all of you.

Tias, Tios, and Cousins:

Thanks for letting me sleepover at your house on a night that you need to get sleep because you have work the next day. Thanks for watching a movie with me. Thanks for going on roller coasters with me at Sixt Flags. Thanks for letting me play at your pretend casinos in the basement. Thanks for letting me hang out with you when my sibblings were driving me crazy. Thanks for letting me ride in the boys' car when the girls were getting annoying, and for emailing me when I was bored. Thanks for sharing everything that you have, and for entertaining me when I had nothing to do. But mostly, thanks to all of you.

To My Elders:

To my Iggy, and my Gama, I tell you that you are the best penny counting, lime sucking grandmothers in the whole wide world. (inside joke) Thanks for everything from babysitting me to changing my diaper. Thanks to my one and only grandfather for playing guitar in your room with me at two in the morning. Thanks for coming home so late just so you can feed your family. Thanks for giving up everything just to start a family. Thanks for raising my parents to be independent and strong. Thanks for wishing, and making your wishes come true. Thanks for setting me on the right path when I thought it was the wrong one. Thanks for listening to all of my crazy stories and telling me how "wonderfully creative" they are. Thanks for making me so much vegetable mush that made sick to my stomach. But mostly thanks to all of you.

Mami and Dy,

Thanks. I don't know how to put it into words, because none come to mind. So, i'll just try my best. You are amazing, wonderful, inspiring, strict, funny, beautiful inside and out, curly haired, warm, giving, loyal, thoughtful, childish, playful, good cookers, good to tell things to, impatient, weird, CRAZY, loveable, loved, loving... Just about anything good, yup, it discribes you. I love you a lot. But mostly, thanks to all of you.

Gracias por todo, te amo, mucho, mucho, mucho,
(Thanks for everything, I love you, a lot, a lot, a lot)


Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Sabrina

Everyone needs someone,

everyone wants someone.

But not me.

I already have someone.


A loyal friend,

a true sister at heart,

She is the one who inspires me,

The one I truly look up to

From her sassy aditude,

to her beautiful smile,

she is my someone,

my special Spazmo.

Hopefully it lasts,

though I know it will,

My crazy little friend,

So small, yet so big.

She is one heck of a friend,

My Sabrina.

-Lucy Rodriguez

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Test Drive

This is Lucy's first blog post to check the layout and see if it works. Say good morning Lucy.