Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Babies Are Still Babies

You know, I have always been afraid that my brother and sister were growing up too fast, but I have realized that even though they try so hard, they will always be my little midgets.

It occurred to me that Sara wasn't that old when we were downtown, coming back from a concert at Millennium Park. She looked so beautiful, dressed in her crazy little outfit. It was only until she looked out the window and saw a horse that I knew she was still a baby. "Look Mommy!!! It's a horsey!!! I wish I had a horsey!" she yelled. Just then, I knew I had nothing to worry about. I guess I know that eventually my little sister will grow up and be some successful artist, or at least something along those lines, but until then, I have nothing to worry about.

It was different with Sam. He is growing to be a strong young adult, and starting to look like a mini-man, but I found a way through his masquerade. He was working on his chores, and he was obviously doing all of his chores, except for one, the hardest one. When he finally went to my mom to tell her that he had finally finished and was going to watch television, she went to check his work. "So Sam, if I check all of your work, it will all be done? Even the vacuuming?" my mom asked curiously.
WANT TO DO CHORES!! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!" Sam said, as he stomped up and down, and beginning to shed a tear.
"Okay, Sam, why don't you go lie down for a while, and come back when you're ready?" my mom said, running out of patience.
Right then, I knew that Sam had just had a tantrum, just the same as any baby would.

I guess I know that I am a baby too, and with that said, we all are. As we proceed to believe that adults are in power for being so much older, it isn't true. We all are little babies, waiting to be picked up by our mommys.

And as for the adults, you know that you really want to play that video game and defeat the second level, or sing that song when you hear it on the radio. So don't fool yourself, the kids already know.


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