Monday, July 26, 2010

I ♥ All My Cousins!!

My cousins are so awesome it's not even funny. Plus, I have tons of 'em, so there is tons of awesomeness in my family!! I will go oldest to youngest.

My big cousins rock, or as Sebastian puts it, they dominate. Sebastian and Derek are the two oldest, Sebastian being first, then Derek. Next comes Ramsis. The one thing that all of them share is that I can trust them all very much. They help me with everything and don't complain, no matter how boring the thing is. They always find time to hang out with me. They are the best big cousins anyone could ever ask for.

My younger cousins come next. Under me is Elizabeth, Isabelle and Mejenis. The are growing to be wonderful and beautiful young ladies and men. They are intellegent and easy to talk to. They thing that they all have in common is that they are all relatable. They know exactly how you feel when you tell them something, and immediately adapt to your feelings. They are all amazing.

They three todlers of the family are the most adorable little things ever. We have Gaby, Pookie, and Marie. Those little girls are so gorgeous it is unbelievable. I swear, those babies beat the Gerber baby any day. They are so loving, even though they don't know what that means. They hug you and tell you they love you, they kiss you and run up to you. I remember holding them in my hands when they were born and thinking how lucky I was to have such a perfect family. My baby girls are so lovable, loving, and loved.

We also have Panda, or Baby Andy. He is the super hero expert. He is a huge fan of Spiderman. Panda is a very shy little boy and loves his parents very much. He is loyal and true. He sticks to his family like there is no tomorrow, and loves to teach us things, sometimes about video games, sometimes about super heros. He is a wonderful cousin.

Finally, we have the new babies, Mickey and David. They are the new edition to the family, the first set of twins that were just boys. They are so cute. The thing that they share is that they make us all laugh. They make the funniest faces ever and love to tilt their heads and look at you real hard and real long. They are the reason we have baby toys in our house. With so many little ones running around, each house has their own set of baby supplies at home. We love them so much.

My cousins are the reason I wake up everyday, the reason I try hard. They teach me to perservere, and to do what is right. They are my family, and I will always love them with all my heart.

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