Thursday, September 2, 2010

Budget Cuts

It really bothers me that the government is trying to cut the funding for public schools. Truth be told, I don't know much about all the cuts that are being made, but the little that I do know really makes me want to cry.

The kids understand what is going to happen to them. They know that it is unfair, and that the cuts could mean worse than just losing track and field, but losing the teachers that mean a lot to them. Some of those teachers are our best friends. Some of those teachers deserve the job, not only because they love to teach, but because they have families too.

Everyone in the government repeatedly says that creating jobs now will change the future in a negative way, but that the kids will be smart enough to deal with those issues when they come. But here's the problem:


How is a kid supposed to save the country with all their knowledge when their parents, congressmen, and senators are doing everything they can to prevent that???

I'm sure I'm getting most of this stuff mixed up, but that's my perspective. That's what I see when I watch the news. I see a bunch of messed up grown-ups pretending to know what they're doing. So next time you mighty powerful people try to cheat on us kids, think about what your doing, 'cause your really disappointing us.

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