Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Crazy Little Bro

My midget... I love him so much. He is so amazing in every way, so patient, so giving, but nerdy at the same time. I know I tease him a lot, but I really do love him. He is my little brother, my Samuelito. I love, love, love him, so, so, so, much.

My sister and I always talk about how annoying it is to have him around, because if we had another sister, we could all just gossip all day long, but I think having Sam around kinda balances things out; We teach him how to get girls, and he teaches us how to fix cars and make motors out of paper clips. Honestly, the motor was pretty cool, I have to admit.

His patients, as we all know, is amazing. Living with three girls and a dad that works a lot is probably a difficult task to complete. I understand that we underestimate it sometimes, but Sam is a pretty relatable guy, considering the facts. One time, we were sitting in the car and I turn to him and start talking about shades of blue nail polish and he turns back and says,"Yeah, I know, I saw that one too, it looked pretty nice," obviously not caring at all. I love that about him. (I guess that's why all the girls in his class "like" him.) Eveyone always wants to be his friend, even the kids in my grade that don't want to be my friend.

He is as giving as the "Giving Tree", and he won't stop. He gives everything, even his arm to punch when I'm mad. The only thing he won't give is a little peace and quiet, but I can live with that. I do have to say that his entertainment skills have grown over the years, because Sara and I do need quite a bit of attention when it comes to being unoccupied. He gives me such joy, everyday from when he wakes up, to when he goes to sleep. His smile is so full, so charming. Just like him. I love him so, so, so much.

If you are reading this, Sam, I just want you to know that I do technically love you, but only 'cause I have to. If it were up to me, I really wouldn't care at all about you...

Just kidding, I meant every word I wrote, because you are my crazy little (punching bag) bro. ;)

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