Monday, July 26, 2010

My Beautiful, My Wonderful

Everything she does is like magic, everything she says sounds like a song. I am lucky to have her with me, in my heart and physically. She is my Sara, my beautiful, my wonderful, Sara.

Living with her is just a non-stop enjoyment. She makes me laugh, she makes me cry, but in the end, I could never live without her. She knows how to make any baby laugh, leaving all mothers' hearts blown away. Sara can make just about anyone want to be her friend, and love all the time that they spend with her. Sara is one heck of a little sis.

My beautiful, my wondeful, oh my Sara, she drives my CRAZY. She loves to make me mad and want to rip my hair out...

buuuuuuut, I do love it when we have time to just talk with one another. She has a way with words. She is also one of my favorite artists, inside and out. She has an amazing talent, both vocal wise, and picture wise. Her talent is so special.

My curley little baby, I love her in every way. She is my beautiful, and my wonderful.

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