Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Everyone Has a Dream

I guess everyone has a dream. A dream to become whatever it is they want to become. It's never the wrong time to start fresh, or to say, "I want to become a rock-star!" It is always the right time. It's never okay to push your dreams aside because something else got in the way, because nothing is as simple as a walk throught the park. Effort is needed, and yeah, sometimes it may become difficult. And yup, you may want to give up along the road, but who's to say that a challenge cannot be looked in the face and laughed at? To me, a dream is like a never ending journey. A journey that helps you find who you are, and what it is that lays deep in your soul.

So when you feel that all is failing, that the road has cracked in two, don't ever forget, don't ever give up. Because a dream is not a dream without it's challenges, it's just uh thought. A thought that will soon fall into dust, and be forgotten.

But that's just a guess, just uh thought.

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