Friday, July 22, 2011

Grand Slam Sam

My brother is a little baseball champ. He's an amazing athlete. I wish I could take the credit, which I try to do all the time, but the truth is, he does it all on his own. He hits the ball every single time and pitches a strike without any help at all. And so he and his teammates made it to the play-offs. Round one... An amazing battle, a close call, but we won. A great victory.

Round Two:

A shocking loss. First inning, the other team got a five point lead. We struggled to catch up, but only managed to score a total of four points. Our second pitcher held them at five points. He's an amazing player. A great kid for sure. My brother hit two of the RBIs. My baby tried so hard. He really did his best.

The heat didn't help anyone. A scorching 105 degrees. One of our players was ready to pass out from heat exhaustion. Everyone had hats full of melting ice and shirts drenched in sweat. Ew. Gross.

In the end, it didn't matter who won. All that mattered was that the whole team was going out for ice cream. But it wasn't over yet. First we had our team huddle, and our "GO CARDINALS!" Cheer. Being a die-hard Cubs fan, it was so hard to spit out the words 'go Cardinals', but some how I managed to do it.

Finally, our coach announces the four MVPs who will be representing the Cardinals in the All-Star game next week. We hear the coach call a pitcher's name. And then another one. And then we hear a third baseman's name. And finally we hear "And finally, I would like to ask our home-run hitter, Grand Slam Sam to be our fourth player in the All-Star game. Are all of you up for it?" The coach asked. Sam was astonished to hear his name called. He was speechless, and quickly nodded his head. Sam went from sad about losing to thrilled about being an MVP.

So we went out for ice cream. The whole team, fans, and coaches were glad for having a great season. We improved so much throughout this year, and have all become great baseball players. My brother has made life-long friends and learned the importance of team work.

And from this whole experience, I've learned that my brother is dumb for thinking that me, his batting coach, is the reason that he succeeds. He's a little superstar. He's doing it all by himself, and so, if you read this Sam, just know that next season, I will be sitting in the shade instead of standing behind you while you bat because truth be told, you are a big boy now, and you can handle it. You're an amazing second baseman, a hysterical outfielder, yes I remember the mosquitoes, and the best batter I've seen.

So congrats Sam. This Blog is my excuse for sitting in the shade next season :)

Isn't it Strange?

Isn't it strange
that all it takes to make me smile is a funny face?
Isn't it strange
that it is not hard to love someone?
Isn't it strange
that all we want is to be happy?

And isn't it strange that
as simple as it is,
we can't seem to get along?

We all fight and we all argue.

But if its so simple,
then why is it so hard?

I find it strange.
And you should too.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Open your eyes,
smile at me.
Notice my pain.
And do something to help.
Watch me work hard,
and reward me with love.
See me strive to do my best
and feel proud.

Recognize that I try.
Feel happy for me.

Open your arms,
and let me leap into them.
Give me a kiss
and leave a make-up stain.
Let me sleep in
because you know that I'm tired.
Cut me some slack
because you see I deserve it.

Recognize my abilities.
And do something about it.

Look at me.
Try to feel like I feel.
Think like I think.
Work like I work.
Every day is a chance for you
to walk how I walk.
To sing like I sing.
To breathe how I breathe.
To learn how I learn.

Recognize ME.
And all the obstacles I overcome.

Recognize ME.
And all the good deads I've done.

Recognize ME.
And you will soon see,
that it's not easy to
recognize me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Ready

I have been so patient.

I have waited so long.

It's time for it to come.

I'm ready for the wind to whip past my hair,

and I'm ready to feel the lake's spray.

I'm waiting to feel the sun,

beating down on my tan skin.

I can't wait for the music filled parties,

everyone passing out cups of lemonade.

I'm expecting it to hurry its way over.

And I want it to happen soon.

I'm so eager to just get on with it.

I will walk along the beach's side,

and bike all around Chicago.

I will play soccer until my feet can't kick anymore.

I will shoot hoops with all the power I have,

and I will swing on swings

as high as I can.

I'll practice baseball until the bat cracks in two.

I'll run,

and I'll run,

until my feet become stubs.

And then I'll get back up, and run some more.

I'm ready to go to highschool,

and face those kids with pride.

I'm ready.

I'm so ready.

I will walk through those doors, without a doubt in my mind.

I'll show them who I am,

and I'll make my teachers proud.

I'll make friends with everyone,

and know the janitors by name.

I'll walk with confidence in my step.

And no one will block my way.

I'm ready to face what I'm given

because I know He's on my side the whole time.

I'm not scared to try things

and fail them.

I know I can't be the best

the most perfect

the leader


That's why I got ready.

Ready for it all.

I will keep preparing myself for what comes next.

And I'll keep my eyes open the whole time

in case I fall

or need some help.

I'll do what I want,

share it with the world.

I'll put myself out there,

and show them who's boss.

I'll be a champion,

and I'll do my best.

I'll help anyone,

and everyone,

as long as they need it.

I'll be a learner, and a teacher all day.

I'll leave my mind open,

no doubt.

I will work hard, and face my challenges with class.

I will have manners and act repectfully.

I will be proud of all of me.

And I will make the world proud of me too.

I am ready,

for what I have to deal with now.

And I'll be ready for the challenges that come when they come.

I'm ready to be ready,

and ready to make myself ready.

I'm as ready as the get.

I'm ready.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Have you ever felt like the wind was just drifting you away, or like everything was cold, but you still felt warm? I did today. It was pretty strange, I'll admit, but I think I owe it all to the snow. Let me tell you a little something about what happened today.

You can ask anyone who knows me, and they'll tell you that I'm always freezing. Always. Like ice. They'll tell you that when I touch them, they shiver, and that they can feel an icy chill run up and down they're spine. That's how cold I get. But today, on the coldest of all days, I was warm. Sure, my skin was the same as always, but I was different. Inside was warm. I layed flat on the frost covered ground, four feet up, ontop of all that snow. And I was warm, the warmest I've ever been. That snow gave me some sort of magical powers, known to man as hope. Yeah, I'll admit that sounds pretty cheesy, but that's how I felt. OK, there were days I felt hope, like the birth of any of my cousins or siblings, but never before like this.

Have you ever been on stage before? In front of lots of people? You know that feeling you get as you're walking down the stairs of the stage, and you're worried your going to fall, and the croud will laugh and point? I felt that feeling, but like twenty times smaller. It was in the pit of my stomach, and I could feel it beating away. Thump, thump, thump. And when I smiled, it went thumpity, thumpity, thumpity. And I could feel my heart smiling too. And I could feel my soul thumpitying right back at me. It was really hard, and really confident. Right then I found my inside. I had left the shell in the snow, and I took a ride in the sky. And I touched the clouds, and I sat on the moon. But when I got cold, I visited the sun. And I just lived. I felt like my own thumpity. I felt like a smile. I felt like a part of something. I felt loved. I felt full. I felt heat, pushing my cold body. I felt smooth, but not flat. I felt soft, and open. I felt.

There's no other way to put it besides I felt like a thumpity. Moving and flying, living and smiling. And on this snowy day, on this freezing day filled with shivers all around, I wish that everyone, someday, can find their thumpity. Can feel hope and love. And maybe, even take a trip to the sky.


OK, the only reason I titled this blog "Titles" is because of the poem below. You should understand in just a second... or not... I don't know. Maybe, but then again, maybe not...

Oh, who cares, just read the poem.

Titles are pointless.
They serve no purpose.
Cliche and cheesy,
boring and draggy,
titles just bore a reader.
Titles discourage people,
and make them put down a piece.
They are too short,
and too simple,
too plain and flavorless.
Because they're no fun,
titles are just dumb.
OK, I know that if you write a title right, then it should pull the reader in, but the way I see it, titles are just a sneek peek at what you are about to read. If a person really is interested, then they should just read the piece. I don't think that people need to be treated like babies and have to be encouraged to read something. It's like when you parent tells you to do something. When you're young, you don't understand that you're probably going to get in trouble for not doing what you were told to do. But once you get older, you know what to expect, you know what's coming. I just think it's pretty dumb to treat older people like that. And so, for my reading teacher, I will say this:
The significance in this poem is that people these days don't know how to properly create a title, and therefore no longer serve any point at all. If you're going to do a job, do it right the first time, not the second, because by then, you have already ruined it.
Are you happy Mr. R?

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Brother

My tiny, tiny little brother is just so annoying. I wish that he could just learn to be quiet.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I couldn't tell what to expect.
Your face was blank,
yet you held your hand out,
there for me to grab.
You asked me before if I trusted you enough.
I said yes then,
and I'll say yes again.
I'll hold your hand,
and I'll hold it tight.
But I'll keep my eys open and my feet on the ground.
Just in case later you decide to let go,
I'll be ready to stand up,
and dust myself off.


I'm tired of dealing with this.
I'm going to withdraw from the race.
I will slowly come to a hault.
I'll be done.
My engine won't start up again.
Cars filling in the space in front of me.
Because I've finished.
I'm not happy with what I've accomplished,
but I'm to tired,
too feeble.
Just as I'm about to make a decission,
stay or go,
a car will hit me in the rear.
So it won't matter anyway.
I've already crashed,
I'm broken now, and I'm actually done now,
no matter what choice I was going to make.
I'm being dragged away,
the crowd keeps on cheering for the other cars.
They don't care that I got hurt.
Me or my driver.

No Title

Deep down,
do they really understand?
Do they really know what I'm feeling?
Otherwise they wouldn't do what they do...
They wouldn't.
They couldn't hurt me so bad...
could they?
But really.
Deep down,
do they truly understand what I'm going through?

God, oh God

God oh God,
why would you make me so lucky?
God oh God,
it is you I look up to.
God oh God,
let me thank you again,
for giving to me what was given to me.

No Title

Hours and hours,
just hours and hours.
Meetings and meetings,
one after the other.
Peterson school will you let me go yet?

No Title

You give me the poower to walk across water.
You give me the hope to carry on.
You give me the knowledge that I need.
You give me a reason,
a reason to live.

No Title

Problems occur,
solutions are hidden,
beneath the ground for me to dig up.
Just like a dog looking around for it's bone,
I must find the solution,
to the problem I have.

No Title

Corner to corner, your lips curl up.
You smile at me as I smile right back.
Your eyes lock on mine,
'till a wall snaps them apart.
We go different ways far away from the wall.
Yet somehow I know,
we are like magnets you and I.
I know we must connect,
connect we must somehow.

No Title

I am only human,
and not a robot.
How can you expect me to be as perfect?
I'm only as good as as good as I get,
so how is it that you
still treat me like that?

No Title

If I were to fall,
to fall right now,
would you be there to catch me,
to catch me right then?
If I were to think,
to think something wrong,
would you be there to teach me,
to teach me good thoughts?
If I were to love you
to love you right now,
would you be there to love me,
to love me right back?

Ok, Here's the Deal

All right, I'll admit it. I write poetry. And lately I've been writing a lot. I guess it runs in the family because my mom did it and so did her grandfather. Well, any how, my reading/homeroom teacher this year has been making me feel really guilty, because whenever we talk about the reason people write, he always manages to end his spiel with, "...and so we write for people to read. If people don't read your piece, then what's the point in writing it in the first place?" So I asked my mom if I should publish my poems, and she said, "Yeah, I think you should. Don't be a sissy like I was. You have got talent, why not show it. Now stop bugging me, I'm making banana bread!" So, not in this blog, but in the ones following, You'll see a lot of poetry. Some of it's pretty terrible, but hey, a kid's gotta learn, right? So here it goes.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Closing My Eyes

When I close my eyes I see you.
I see you.
Yet when I open my eyes,
your gone.
And the word around me has disappeared.
I'm alone.
I can only fantasize what used to be.
Because now I'm alone.
In the dark and scariness of silence.
Of being alone.
Of having no one.
I fly solo in this life.
Where I am to figure things out for myself.
But whenever I need you,
when I close my eyes,
your always there.
And that's why I'll be there for you.
Just close your eyes.
And you'll see me,
waiting there for you to need me,
because I will always be there for you.
No matter how big,
or how small,
you are never alone,
because I'm always beside you.