Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Have you ever felt like the wind was just drifting you away, or like everything was cold, but you still felt warm? I did today. It was pretty strange, I'll admit, but I think I owe it all to the snow. Let me tell you a little something about what happened today.

You can ask anyone who knows me, and they'll tell you that I'm always freezing. Always. Like ice. They'll tell you that when I touch them, they shiver, and that they can feel an icy chill run up and down they're spine. That's how cold I get. But today, on the coldest of all days, I was warm. Sure, my skin was the same as always, but I was different. Inside was warm. I layed flat on the frost covered ground, four feet up, ontop of all that snow. And I was warm, the warmest I've ever been. That snow gave me some sort of magical powers, known to man as hope. Yeah, I'll admit that sounds pretty cheesy, but that's how I felt. OK, there were days I felt hope, like the birth of any of my cousins or siblings, but never before like this.

Have you ever been on stage before? In front of lots of people? You know that feeling you get as you're walking down the stairs of the stage, and you're worried your going to fall, and the croud will laugh and point? I felt that feeling, but like twenty times smaller. It was in the pit of my stomach, and I could feel it beating away. Thump, thump, thump. And when I smiled, it went thumpity, thumpity, thumpity. And I could feel my heart smiling too. And I could feel my soul thumpitying right back at me. It was really hard, and really confident. Right then I found my inside. I had left the shell in the snow, and I took a ride in the sky. And I touched the clouds, and I sat on the moon. But when I got cold, I visited the sun. And I just lived. I felt like my own thumpity. I felt like a smile. I felt like a part of something. I felt loved. I felt full. I felt heat, pushing my cold body. I felt smooth, but not flat. I felt soft, and open. I felt.

There's no other way to put it besides I felt like a thumpity. Moving and flying, living and smiling. And on this snowy day, on this freezing day filled with shivers all around, I wish that everyone, someday, can find their thumpity. Can feel hope and love. And maybe, even take a trip to the sky.

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