Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ok, Here's the Deal

All right, I'll admit it. I write poetry. And lately I've been writing a lot. I guess it runs in the family because my mom did it and so did her grandfather. Well, any how, my reading/homeroom teacher this year has been making me feel really guilty, because whenever we talk about the reason people write, he always manages to end his spiel with, "...and so we write for people to read. If people don't read your piece, then what's the point in writing it in the first place?" So I asked my mom if I should publish my poems, and she said, "Yeah, I think you should. Don't be a sissy like I was. You have got talent, why not show it. Now stop bugging me, I'm making banana bread!" So, not in this blog, but in the ones following, You'll see a lot of poetry. Some of it's pretty terrible, but hey, a kid's gotta learn, right? So here it goes.

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