Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eighth Grade Dance

I am SO stressed out because my best friend, Lauren is in the eighth grade at my school, and I'm in seventh grade. At our school, traditionally, the seventh grade plans the last dance for the eighth graders, just because that's how it should be. But JEEZE!!! Lauren keeps on reminding me how perfect she wants it to be, and I keep getting more and more stressed out because I don't want to disappoint her. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thanks to My Fans!!

If you regularly read my blog, I just want to thank you. It means a lot that people enjoy reading the things that I have to say. I want to give you all two thumbs up!!

If I'm making it seem like I am some sort of rock-star, I'm not, I'm just thanking you guys.

Monday, September 6, 2010


I'm going to give you guys the definition to word you may not know:

A hispanic girl's fifteenth birthday, celebrated with ceremonies and fromal dances. It is a celebration representing a a young girl becoming a young woman.

I can't wait for mine. It's going to be perfect.

Go Cubbies Go!!

I owe a lot to the man that got me the best Cubs tickets ever. They were front seat tickets right by where the Cubs warm up. I got my very own Cubs ball that day. It's a pretty good story.

We were eating peanuts and watching the game, so far we were at a tie. My friend and I were talking, my dad and his friend were doing the same, when one of the pitching coaches began to come our way. He approached me, rolled Soriano's ball in his hand, turned to me and asked, "It's your birthday, huh?" he glanced at the sign in my hands. "Would you like to keep this ball?" He smiled and waited for me to respond. I was speechless, but managed to cough up a few words. I studdered out, "Uh-hu! Yes please!!!" "Well," he responded. "It's all yours... if you can catch it, ready?" Boy was I nervous!! I nodded and I saw him begin to throw an under-hand ball. I lifted my hands, and within seconds, the ball was in my hands, with all the people around me cheering. "Good job," he said. And with a wink and a smile, he left.

As I look at that ball everyday, I remember that game, the feeling of holding something that comes once in a lifetime. So thanks, John. It really meant the world to me. You too, Abbey. That was the best birthday game ever!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Shhh... It's a Secret

I think I have an okay singing voice, so lately I've been thinking, wouldn't it be cool if I became a singer? Might not happen, so shhhhh...

It's a secret.

Friday, September 3, 2010

How Are You Always So Dang Happy???

My Iggy, I don't understand you sometimes. Things get so hard, so heart-breaking, yet you still manage to always say, "I'm just thrilled to BITS!!" I just have to ask you one small question. How are you always so dang happy??? I mean REALLY?

We were at the mall discussing how things have gotten so hard on us and that at least we had our family, and out of the endless blue sky, you said, I'm so happy!! I just...

Sometimes I worry about you.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Budget Cuts

It really bothers me that the government is trying to cut the funding for public schools. Truth be told, I don't know much about all the cuts that are being made, but the little that I do know really makes me want to cry.

The kids understand what is going to happen to them. They know that it is unfair, and that the cuts could mean worse than just losing track and field, but losing the teachers that mean a lot to them. Some of those teachers are our best friends. Some of those teachers deserve the job, not only because they love to teach, but because they have families too.

Everyone in the government repeatedly says that creating jobs now will change the future in a negative way, but that the kids will be smart enough to deal with those issues when they come. But here's the problem:


How is a kid supposed to save the country with all their knowledge when their parents, congressmen, and senators are doing everything they can to prevent that???

I'm sure I'm getting most of this stuff mixed up, but that's my perspective. That's what I see when I watch the news. I see a bunch of messed up grown-ups pretending to know what they're doing. So next time you mighty powerful people try to cheat on us kids, think about what your doing, 'cause your really disappointing us.

It's Great to Be Me

I know I always write about how I wish people could understand how difficult just being me is, but now that I think about it, I guess I am pretty lucky, aren't I?

I think to my self now more than ever how things have really taken a turn for the better. I know that everything happens for a reason, and I guess the challenges being thrown at me are the things that are making me better, stronger. Everything I do is filled with such hard work, and I guess that's why I am who I am. It makes me so brilliant, so great.

I know it sounds like I'm bragging, but I'm not, or at least I don't mean to...

But knowing who you are, inside and out, allows you to know your weaknesses and your strengths.

I just love me. I love me a lot. And I don't ever want to change.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Everyone Has a Dream

I guess everyone has a dream. A dream to become whatever it is they want to become. It's never the wrong time to start fresh, or to say, "I want to become a rock-star!" It is always the right time. It's never okay to push your dreams aside because something else got in the way, because nothing is as simple as a walk throught the park. Effort is needed, and yeah, sometimes it may become difficult. And yup, you may want to give up along the road, but who's to say that a challenge cannot be looked in the face and laughed at? To me, a dream is like a never ending journey. A journey that helps you find who you are, and what it is that lays deep in your soul.

So when you feel that all is failing, that the road has cracked in two, don't ever forget, don't ever give up. Because a dream is not a dream without it's challenges, it's just uh thought. A thought that will soon fall into dust, and be forgotten.

But that's just a guess, just uh thought.