Sunday, January 15, 2012

Right Daddy...?

The things my father makes me do. This could be a very interesting story. Care to take a listen??

I shouldn't really say that my father makes me do these things. The truth is, I volunteer to do these things. Except sometimes, I don't really know what I'm getting myself into...

I'm a mathematical person. Just like my daddy. So construction and measurements and fixing things is kind of what we do best. My brother Sammy was always the assistant in all of my dad's experiments, until he wasn't there one day. Sam was out at a friend's house and my dad needed some help on the Jeep, (a project he'd been working on for years. No worries. He finally fixed it!) and I was the only person in the house who was done with all my work for the day. So I went outside, and chatted with my daddy, handed him tools, grabbed things that only my small hands could reach... We had a pretty nice time.

Since then, we've been doing more and more projects together. I built a 'vine holder' with him this summer. Basically, it's a bunch of planks of wood attached from my garage to my house that hold up the vine we have growing on the wall. This upcoming summer, we will install a lighting system and having hanging pots to form a small garden seating area. Should look beautiful! We've also cleaned out his garage, which is no longer the dungeon of despair. You can actually put a car in there! We've made a counter in the office and a cabinet above it to hold supplies. I've helped build a bench/swing, and we finished fixing the car.

I love my Pappi so much. He's the best. No other way to put it. And so now I will start my homework... Because I'm a good child... Also his favorite child... Right Daddy...?

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