Friday, July 22, 2011

Grand Slam Sam

My brother is a little baseball champ. He's an amazing athlete. I wish I could take the credit, which I try to do all the time, but the truth is, he does it all on his own. He hits the ball every single time and pitches a strike without any help at all. And so he and his teammates made it to the play-offs. Round one... An amazing battle, a close call, but we won. A great victory.

Round Two:

A shocking loss. First inning, the other team got a five point lead. We struggled to catch up, but only managed to score a total of four points. Our second pitcher held them at five points. He's an amazing player. A great kid for sure. My brother hit two of the RBIs. My baby tried so hard. He really did his best.

The heat didn't help anyone. A scorching 105 degrees. One of our players was ready to pass out from heat exhaustion. Everyone had hats full of melting ice and shirts drenched in sweat. Ew. Gross.

In the end, it didn't matter who won. All that mattered was that the whole team was going out for ice cream. But it wasn't over yet. First we had our team huddle, and our "GO CARDINALS!" Cheer. Being a die-hard Cubs fan, it was so hard to spit out the words 'go Cardinals', but some how I managed to do it.

Finally, our coach announces the four MVPs who will be representing the Cardinals in the All-Star game next week. We hear the coach call a pitcher's name. And then another one. And then we hear a third baseman's name. And finally we hear "And finally, I would like to ask our home-run hitter, Grand Slam Sam to be our fourth player in the All-Star game. Are all of you up for it?" The coach asked. Sam was astonished to hear his name called. He was speechless, and quickly nodded his head. Sam went from sad about losing to thrilled about being an MVP.

So we went out for ice cream. The whole team, fans, and coaches were glad for having a great season. We improved so much throughout this year, and have all become great baseball players. My brother has made life-long friends and learned the importance of team work.

And from this whole experience, I've learned that my brother is dumb for thinking that me, his batting coach, is the reason that he succeeds. He's a little superstar. He's doing it all by himself, and so, if you read this Sam, just know that next season, I will be sitting in the shade instead of standing behind you while you bat because truth be told, you are a big boy now, and you can handle it. You're an amazing second baseman, a hysterical outfielder, yes I remember the mosquitoes, and the best batter I've seen.

So congrats Sam. This Blog is my excuse for sitting in the shade next season :)

Isn't it Strange?

Isn't it strange
that all it takes to make me smile is a funny face?
Isn't it strange
that it is not hard to love someone?
Isn't it strange
that all we want is to be happy?

And isn't it strange that
as simple as it is,
we can't seem to get along?

We all fight and we all argue.

But if its so simple,
then why is it so hard?

I find it strange.
And you should too.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Open your eyes,
smile at me.
Notice my pain.
And do something to help.
Watch me work hard,
and reward me with love.
See me strive to do my best
and feel proud.

Recognize that I try.
Feel happy for me.

Open your arms,
and let me leap into them.
Give me a kiss
and leave a make-up stain.
Let me sleep in
because you know that I'm tired.
Cut me some slack
because you see I deserve it.

Recognize my abilities.
And do something about it.

Look at me.
Try to feel like I feel.
Think like I think.
Work like I work.
Every day is a chance for you
to walk how I walk.
To sing like I sing.
To breathe how I breathe.
To learn how I learn.

Recognize ME.
And all the obstacles I overcome.

Recognize ME.
And all the good deads I've done.

Recognize ME.
And you will soon see,
that it's not easy to
recognize me.