Friday, January 21, 2011

My Brother

My tiny, tiny little brother is just so annoying. I wish that he could just learn to be quiet.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I couldn't tell what to expect.
Your face was blank,
yet you held your hand out,
there for me to grab.
You asked me before if I trusted you enough.
I said yes then,
and I'll say yes again.
I'll hold your hand,
and I'll hold it tight.
But I'll keep my eys open and my feet on the ground.
Just in case later you decide to let go,
I'll be ready to stand up,
and dust myself off.


I'm tired of dealing with this.
I'm going to withdraw from the race.
I will slowly come to a hault.
I'll be done.
My engine won't start up again.
Cars filling in the space in front of me.
Because I've finished.
I'm not happy with what I've accomplished,
but I'm to tired,
too feeble.
Just as I'm about to make a decission,
stay or go,
a car will hit me in the rear.
So it won't matter anyway.
I've already crashed,
I'm broken now, and I'm actually done now,
no matter what choice I was going to make.
I'm being dragged away,
the crowd keeps on cheering for the other cars.
They don't care that I got hurt.
Me or my driver.

No Title

Deep down,
do they really understand?
Do they really know what I'm feeling?
Otherwise they wouldn't do what they do...
They wouldn't.
They couldn't hurt me so bad...
could they?
But really.
Deep down,
do they truly understand what I'm going through?

God, oh God

God oh God,
why would you make me so lucky?
God oh God,
it is you I look up to.
God oh God,
let me thank you again,
for giving to me what was given to me.

No Title

Hours and hours,
just hours and hours.
Meetings and meetings,
one after the other.
Peterson school will you let me go yet?

No Title

You give me the poower to walk across water.
You give me the hope to carry on.
You give me the knowledge that I need.
You give me a reason,
a reason to live.

No Title

Problems occur,
solutions are hidden,
beneath the ground for me to dig up.
Just like a dog looking around for it's bone,
I must find the solution,
to the problem I have.

No Title

Corner to corner, your lips curl up.
You smile at me as I smile right back.
Your eyes lock on mine,
'till a wall snaps them apart.
We go different ways far away from the wall.
Yet somehow I know,
we are like magnets you and I.
I know we must connect,
connect we must somehow.

No Title

I am only human,
and not a robot.
How can you expect me to be as perfect?
I'm only as good as as good as I get,
so how is it that you
still treat me like that?

No Title

If I were to fall,
to fall right now,
would you be there to catch me,
to catch me right then?
If I were to think,
to think something wrong,
would you be there to teach me,
to teach me good thoughts?
If I were to love you
to love you right now,
would you be there to love me,
to love me right back?

Ok, Here's the Deal

All right, I'll admit it. I write poetry. And lately I've been writing a lot. I guess it runs in the family because my mom did it and so did her grandfather. Well, any how, my reading/homeroom teacher this year has been making me feel really guilty, because whenever we talk about the reason people write, he always manages to end his spiel with, "...and so we write for people to read. If people don't read your piece, then what's the point in writing it in the first place?" So I asked my mom if I should publish my poems, and she said, "Yeah, I think you should. Don't be a sissy like I was. You have got talent, why not show it. Now stop bugging me, I'm making banana bread!" So, not in this blog, but in the ones following, You'll see a lot of poetry. Some of it's pretty terrible, but hey, a kid's gotta learn, right? So here it goes.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Closing My Eyes

When I close my eyes I see you.
I see you.
Yet when I open my eyes,
your gone.
And the word around me has disappeared.
I'm alone.
I can only fantasize what used to be.
Because now I'm alone.
In the dark and scariness of silence.
Of being alone.
Of having no one.
I fly solo in this life.
Where I am to figure things out for myself.
But whenever I need you,
when I close my eyes,
your always there.
And that's why I'll be there for you.
Just close your eyes.
And you'll see me,
waiting there for you to need me,
because I will always be there for you.
No matter how big,
or how small,
you are never alone,
because I'm always beside you.