Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Ready

I have been so patient.

I have waited so long.

It's time for it to come.

I'm ready for the wind to whip past my hair,

and I'm ready to feel the lake's spray.

I'm waiting to feel the sun,

beating down on my tan skin.

I can't wait for the music filled parties,

everyone passing out cups of lemonade.

I'm expecting it to hurry its way over.

And I want it to happen soon.

I'm so eager to just get on with it.

I will walk along the beach's side,

and bike all around Chicago.

I will play soccer until my feet can't kick anymore.

I will shoot hoops with all the power I have,

and I will swing on swings

as high as I can.

I'll practice baseball until the bat cracks in two.

I'll run,

and I'll run,

until my feet become stubs.

And then I'll get back up, and run some more.

I'm ready to go to highschool,

and face those kids with pride.

I'm ready.

I'm so ready.

I will walk through those doors, without a doubt in my mind.

I'll show them who I am,

and I'll make my teachers proud.

I'll make friends with everyone,

and know the janitors by name.

I'll walk with confidence in my step.

And no one will block my way.

I'm ready to face what I'm given

because I know He's on my side the whole time.

I'm not scared to try things

and fail them.

I know I can't be the best

the most perfect

the leader


That's why I got ready.

Ready for it all.

I will keep preparing myself for what comes next.

And I'll keep my eyes open the whole time

in case I fall

or need some help.

I'll do what I want,

share it with the world.

I'll put myself out there,

and show them who's boss.

I'll be a champion,

and I'll do my best.

I'll help anyone,

and everyone,

as long as they need it.

I'll be a learner, and a teacher all day.

I'll leave my mind open,

no doubt.

I will work hard, and face my challenges with class.

I will have manners and act repectfully.

I will be proud of all of me.

And I will make the world proud of me too.

I am ready,

for what I have to deal with now.

And I'll be ready for the challenges that come when they come.

I'm ready to be ready,

and ready to make myself ready.

I'm as ready as the get.

I'm ready.