Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black and White

Black and white.
It's all I see.
Bad and good.
Sad and happy.
In the middle of my favorite time,
in the middle of the night,
all I see is black.
All I see is
In the middle of the day,
when I cant't see the light,
all I see is black.
All I see is
Yet somehow I know,
when I really dig deep,
that somewhere out there is light.
All I think is
But even then,
I still see black and white.
That's all I see.
Black and white.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Can Tio Alex Be My Best Man?

In a wedding, there is usually a maid of honor and a best man, but I was wondering if you could reffer to someone that you think is the best man ever, and have them be your best man.

Well, the point I'm trying to make is, if it is possible to have a best man, I want mine to be Tio Alex. He is the best man. He is one heck of a tio and definetly knows how to make me laugh. He always hugs me and loves me and teaches me. He just rocks, and I wish I could spend every moment of everyday with him.

My poor tio, even though I love him, it's just so easy to make fun of him. He is just not the type of guy that would do anything to hurt anyone's feelings, so I don't know what makes it so fun to tease him, yet it is. Three of my favorite names that Tia Alice and I have created:

"Wanna-be" guitar player
Drummer gone mad
Alex ? Rodriguez (HAHA!!)

One of my favorite memories with my tio is when we were at Guitar Center, and we were checking out the drums while my dad, and grandpa were looking at the guitars. My uncle being the professional drummer that he is took some sticks and started strumming away. Soon after he had started to play, a guy came in and sat down at another set. He sounded pretty good to me, so I leaned over to my tio and whispered, "He's pretty good, huh?" "Oh yeah, watch this," my tio said obviously getting ready to show me something. My uncle sat up straight in the chair, cleared his throat, and began. I was amazed. The sound that the drums and his hands made just blew me away. He was magnificant. The other guy, who also seemed to like it, slowly turned his head toward my uncle and played something else, just a tad bit better. Next went my uncle, then the guy. Each time the other one played it got better and better. My tio's head was going to fly off. This dude was asking for a match.

My uncle was starting to smile. This kind of stuff is right up my uncle's ally. Take a guess. Guess what happens next. If you guessed that my uncle won, your right. The guy looked Tio Alex after he finished his piece, and got up with a nasty look on his face and stormed out of the room.

If you ask my uncle, he'll deny it, because what happens when he's playing the drums, stays for when he's playing the drums.

So yup, I know. I have the coolest uncle ever, it's official. So Tio Alex,will you be my best man?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I wonder how many sayings I can invent at this very second. Here I go.

Bravery isn't doing the undone, it's being scared and still doing it anyway.
Friends aren't meant to give you the answers, they're there to help you find them.
Giving up on your work means giving up on yourself.
The hard path is the scary path, the easy one is even scarier.
Failure does not come from being wrong, it comes from not doing your best.

I think those were pretty good, huh?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Read an Amazing Book

I read a book in my reading class. It changed how I see things. I learned that people deserve to be equally treated, and that people deserve love from someone. People may be unaware of their dependence on other people that are significant to them, and may lean on them without noticing.

And now, the two most important.

Life goes on. No matter how much you want it to end, it won't. It just goes on and on and on.

Second, I learned, or taught myself, that bravery isn't something weird. It isn't doing something that others haven't. It's being scared, and still doing it anyway.